Hard To Kill Academy

Doctor Fit and Fabulous Wants to Help You Become HARD TO KILL 

Brought to you be OB/GYN Dr. Jaime Seeman, the Hard to Kill Academy is a membership subscription community dedicated to helping you live your most maximized life. 

Updated content around fitness, nutrition and lifestyle will keep you sharp and inspired.

Quarterly calls with Dr. Seeman will answer you questions.

And the Hard to Kill Community will keep you accountable.



The Hard to Kill Academy is a subscription online membership community. Join monthly or yearly, cancel at anytime. Being a part of the Hard to Kill Academy does not make you a patient of Dr. Seeman's. The information provided is for educational purposes only. This program offers health, wellness, fitness, and nutritional information for education purposes. This is not intended to be a substitute for any medical advice provided to you by your personal physician. Always speak to your physician before taking any medication, nutritional, herbal supplements or treatment for any health problem. The information provided in the Hard to Kill Academy DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Seeman.